The last Email Marketing and Copywriting Course You’ll Need

This is part one of our The Last Email Marketing and Copywriting Course You Will Need course series. This post will emphasize why you should care about email marketing. It serves as an introduction to the topic.


If you don’t know where to start with email marketing and copywriting, then you’ve come to the right place. Before we get started, I wanted to discuss a few things and catch everyone one up to speed on vocabulary.

What is the difference between email copywriting and email marketing?

Email copywriting is basically the same as any other type of copywriting. It’s using persuasion techniques, user psychology, and other marketing principles to convince the reader to buy. Email marketing, on the other hand, is your marketing plan through email. For example, how you acquire email addresses. How often do you market to users? What’s your give-to-ask ratio with email marketing? Do you have to send emails weekly, or daily? How many of those were focused on driving sales versus depositing value?

What is the benefit of email marketing compared to paid advertisements?

The main benefit of email marketing over all other forms of marketing is that once you get a lead, you keep the lead as long as you have their email address (unless they unsubscribe). Let’s say you were an eCommerce brand running ads directly to a product page for a seasonal sale. A certain amount of those uses may covert but a vast majority won’t. Anyone who clicked the ad but left is now gone. If you instead ran an ad forcing users to claim their coupon code by entering their email address. You could have the same sales copy and ads. The main difference is users have to enter their email address to receive the discount. Anyone who enters their information is now a lead even if they don’t make a purchase. This greatly increases the amount of leads you get. Now that you have their email address, you can send them future discounts, blog posts, and special promotions. All of this can reduce the cost of advertising, as you get more value out of your advertising. Instead of only getting customers who are hot and ready to buy. You always get the customers who are not quite ready to buy but may be ready to buy later.

Why you should be email marketing if you rely on organic social media?

Have you ever experienced a drop in views and sales for what seems like no reason? It may just be a change with the algorithm. You don’t really know. All you know is that views, engagement, and sales are down. You are at the whim of whatever the all-powerful (insert social media platform you use) determines. If you regularly drive your audience to the landing page to collect their email address, then you have the power. You now own your audience, not Google, not Instagram, not TikTok. Here are some examples of how to do it. You can make a free lead magnet where a user has to enter their email address to get the thing. It could be as simple as a discount code. Maybe you are a realtor. You could make a checklist of all the things you should check before buying a house: school district, taxes, crime map, etc. Ideally these lead magnets should solve a problem, but we will get more into this later.

What metrics should I look at when growing my email marketing rate?

Here are the most important KPIs to look at:

Click Through Rate

The percentage of recipients who clicked on one or more links contained in an email.

Open Rate

Open rate is the percentage of people who’ve opened your emails.

Bounce Rate

metric that measures the percentage of emails that weren’t successfully delivered to the recipient’s inbox.

List Growth Rate

The percentage your email list grows over a certain period. It could be measured monthly, weekly, or with every email you send.

Forward Rate

Email marketing email forwarding rate, also known as the “share rate,” is a metric that measures the percentage of email recipients who’ve forwarded your email to others or share it via social media.

Email Marketing ROI

Email marketing ROI (Return on Investment) is a metric that measures the profitability of your email marketing campaigns.

Unsubscribe rate

Measures the percentage of recipients who choose to opt out or unsubscribe from your email list after receiving an email.

This is just an introduction. In the next blog post of the course. We are going to break down what each of these metrics means.

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